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Safe Environment

The Bishops’ Charter for the Protection of God’s Children and Youth adopted in 2002 is in full effect throughout the Diocese of Gary.

  • The diocesan safe environment program, which includes a written code of conduct is found in the APPENDIX PAGES of the school handbook.
  • The safe environment program will include mandatory training relating to the prevention, identification and response for parents, volunteers, and others who have contact with youth. Background checks must be conducted on all adults who have contact with children. EVERY ADULT WISHING TO WORK IN ANY CAPACITY WITH CHILDREN, ARE REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS TRAINING PROGRAM. Training dates and times will be announced.

The Diocese of Gary uses the “VIRTUS” program as the safe environment program. NO OTHER PROGRAM IS CONSIDERED ACCEPTABLE. The safe environment program also includes training programs for children and young people that include “age appropriate" materials pertaining to personal safety. To learn more about the Virtus program and obtain a list of training dates, please call our VIRTUS Coordinator Julia Zerbes at

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