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Becoming Catholic / OCIA

Want to Become Catholic?

Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)

The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults is a conversion process through which both non-baptized adults and those baptized in other faiths enter the Catholic Church.

Seeking information about the Catholic faith does not commit you to becoming Catholic, but if you are feeling drawn to learn more, we encourage you to take time to explore the beauty of our faith tradition with no pressure.

For more information on how we can walk with you on your faith journey, please contact the Parish Office at (219)872-9196. They will put you in contact with a member of the Initiation Team who will explain the process of becoming Catholic. We would love to help you reach your spiritual goals through the life of the Catholic Church.

If you are a practicing member of the Queen of All Saints parish community and have interest in becoming part of the OCIA Team as a sponsor, catechist, or hospitality minister, please call the Parish Office and they will put you in touch with the Coordinator of the OCIA.

If you prefer to submit your contact information online, click here and someone will contact you.

Click here to sign up for RCIA.

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